A note to our community about COVID-19.

Usually, our business is helping you find your people. Whether you’re a customer looking for just the right pro, or a local business looking for quality customers, our product is all about connecting people. But when experts urge us to keep our distance from each other, that becomes challenging. Things are changing quickly, and we all face uncertainty in the weeks and months ahead.

At GOHISO, the health and safety of the communities we serve are our top priority. So we’re adapting, and thinking of ways we can help you adapt, too. Above all, we’ll continue to be here for you: our customers and pros. We’ll get through this together by staying informed, making safe choices and supporting each other.

Information for customers

What can I do to help pros at this time?

  • Keep supporting pros and small businesses when safe and possible.

  • Keep your distance. Wave instead of shaking hands.

  • Hire remote services, or services that maintain distance between you and the pro.

  • Ask pros about their ability to provide no-contact delivery options or remote services.

  • Use digital payments instead of cash or check.

  • Ask pros about buying gift cards or buying packages for future work. This is often a great way to get a discount and support small businesses through this tough time.

  • Consider tipping, or paying now for work that you’ve postponed.

Should I postpone my projects?

We encourage you to stay safe. Based on the World Health Organization current recommendation, we recommend distancing yourself from pros while they work and sanitizing any involved spaces afterward. If that is not possible, and the project isn’t essential, consider postponing those projects.

If your local health officials are restricting activity, make sure you follow their directions — some services are considered essential, and others are not.

Information for pros

What steps should I take right now?

  • If you want or need to postpone appointments, contact your customers as soon as possible.

  • Update your profile to let customers know you’re taking safety precautions.

  • If possible, consider offering remote services, or offer digital consultations for future projects.

  • Prepare for fluctuations in demand. We expect demand to increase as COVID-19 is addressed.

Should I postpone my jobs?

We encourage you to stay safe. If you choose to take a job, based on the World Health Organization current recommendation, we recommend distancing yourself from customers while you work.

If your local health officials are restricting activity, make sure you follow their directions — some services are considered essential, and others are not.

My business is struggling. Where can I get help?

We understand that for many pros, your business is your livelihood.

You can contact our GOHISO Help support agents directly. They are standing by to help answer your questions and point you toward the right resource. Our dedicated GOHISO Help page has product tips to help you adapt. We’ll also continue to update this page with any new information or resources.

The Small Business Administration’s Resources Partners and District Offices have trained experts who can help you craft a plan specific to your situation to help navigate any rapid changes in demand. The SBA can assist small businesses with accessing federal resources and navigating their own preparedness plan. You can find local assistance here.

We urge you to prioritize your health and the health of others. The federal government and state and local governments are setting up programs to assist small businesses. Each state and city’s plan to help small businesses may vary and you should check with your governor and mayor’s office for the latest information on community-specific assistance.

About COVID-19

What is COVID-19?

A coronavirus is a virus that causes respiratory infections. COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus.

According to the World Health Organization, the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness and dry cough. COVID-19 can be easily spread by people who are asymptomatic — people who don’t feel ill at all. Older people and those with underlying medical problems are more likely to develop serious illness. People with fever, cough and difficulty breathing should seek medical attention.

How do I stop the spread?

Here’s what the World Health Organization recommends:

  • Wash your hands. Washing them thoroughly for at least 30 seconds with soap and water works to kill the virus. An alcohol-based hand rub works too if you can’t wash your hands.

  • Keep your distance. The World Health Organization recommends keeping at least 3 feet between yourself and other people.

  • Don’t touch your face. It’s a fast way for the virus to get you sick — or if you’re sick, to pass on the virus to whatever surfaces you touch.

  • Cover your cough or sneeze. Use your elbow, not your hands. Or use a tissue, and then throw it away immediately.

  • Stay home. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health officials.

Where can I get more info?

The situation is changing hour by hour. We recommend listening to the World Health Organization and your local health officials. Some states and counties have stricter guidelines in place.