Visit and Login to your GOHISO Dashboard
Click 'Gigs' on the navigation menu.
Click a gig to review the offers.
Gig View
Offers are listed at the bottom. Scroll down to view all offers, prices and the contact #'s.
Review the offers and click the ✔ to approve or the ✘ to decline.
Accept Offer Screen
1. Contact Number - Provide your contact number so the service provider can contact you (if necessary).
** The info below is collected by Stripe and does not touch GOHISO's servers **
2. Credit Card # - Input your credit card #
3. Credit Card Expiration Date - Input your card's expiration date.
4. Credit Card CVC Code - Input your card's CVC code.
5. Credit Card Billing Zip - Input your card's billing zip code.
Click 'Securely Hold Payment'. GOHISO will charge your card and alert the service provider that the gig payment has been approved.
**Funds are not transferred to the service provider until you give consent to release the funds.**
Once your credit card is processed, you will be re-directed to the booking record.
Booking Record
Status for this gig is now "Payment Authorized".
Work can now begin on this gig! You're free to 'Release Payment' to your service provider at any time!