Visit and Login to your GOHISO Dashboard
Click 'Post a gig or task'.
There's no cost to post gigs on GOHISO and it takes less than a minute.
Post a Gig Form
1. City - Choose a market to list your service. If the service can be delivered online and the city is not relevant, choose 'Online'.
2. Category - Choose a general category for your service. If you're not sure, choose 'Anything'.
3. Title - Give your gig a title. Provide a brief description of your gig and try to keep it under 50 characters.
(ex: Move Out Cleaning for 1BR/ 1BA apartment, Mount my 65" TV an hide wires, Design a logo for my clothing brand, DJ my birthday party)
4. Details - Provide a more in-depth description of the gig / task along with important details so interested service providers can provide an accurate quotation.
5. Location - Provide a city or neighborhood so service providers can better estimate the distance they will need to travel. You don't need to provide the exact address during this step.
(ex: Santa Monica, Downtown LA, Pasadena, UCLA campus)
6. Due Date - Provide the date you need this service completed by or the date/ time of the event.
7. Budget - Provide a fair budget for this task. Add the amount without the $ sign.
Click 'Post Gig'.
Gig Post Confirmation Screen
1. To manage your gig posting, you can login to your dashboard and click 'Gigs' on the navigation menu.
2. To upload pictures to your gig post. Find the galleries portion marked below.
3. We will send you an email when you receive bids on your gig and you'll see the details below.
To update or edit your gig posting, click 'Edit Gig'.