If you want to make more money, there are two ways:
1.Increase prices for your services (costs you nothing)
2.Get more bookings (costs you time)
If you wish to increase your prices, you can justify raising prices if you:
1. Improve your service skills
2. Build your business reputation so there’s social proof that you’re good at what you do (reviews)
3. Take inconvenient or non-ideal jobs
4. Improve your customer’s overall service experience.
5. Increase the perceivedvalue of your service (easy with verified reviews, a nice web presence and a convenient and trusted booking process)
If you want to improve your customer’s overall service experience:
1. Make it easier to find you
2. Make it easier to contact you
3. Make it easier to learn about your services
4. Make it easier to confirm a service appointment and pay
5. Be responsive to client communication and provide quality customer service
6.Make buying your service fast, easy and convenient
7.Make your pricing and service details transparent
8.Save your customers time, money, stress, distractions and unnecessary steps.
9.Build confidence along the entire decision making process
10. Offer a discount or promo so the value perception is even higher
If you want to improve customer confidence in choosing you:
1.Establish a “5 star service reputation” supported by reviews (social proof)
2.Add high quality pictures and videos that showcase you and your service offering
3.Add satisfaction guarantees to decrease perceived risk
4.Improve customer’s service experience versus competitors (search, find, learn, schedule, pay, review) - Remove friction, improve efficiency, maintain communication